In a virtual meeting on Friday, 6 November 2020, the Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DGIP) discussed strategic partnership plans for to advance the Intellectual Property system in Indonesia together with Denmark. The work plan also aims to strengthen the protection of Intellectual Property rights in Indonesia.
The DGIP mentioned that with the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the DGIP and the Danish Patent and Trademark Office (DKPTO), the two countries could work together on training programs and technical exchanges to increase capacity, raise awareness and better protection on Intellectual Property rights, and collaborative activities that may be carried out by both parties with mutual understanding.
After the meeting, Indonesia through the DGIP officially signed the MoU with DKPTO regarding Intellectual Property rights. The MoU for Bilateral Cooperation was signed by the Director-General of Intellectual Property, Freddy Harris, on Monday, 7 December 2020, at the Oemar Seno Adjie Hall, DGIP Office, DKI Jakarta.
The MoU agreement aims to improve the patent examination process, improve the trademark and industrial design inspection process, and increase the awareness and cooperation in law enforcement relevant to DGIP stakeholders.
This agreement also covers several technical areas in the IP field. The technical areas of patents relate to artificial intelligence, information technology, and quality management systems. Meanwhile, the trademark area relates to the basis for rejection of a trademark that contains operationality, and procedures and management system for the appeal commission. As for the area of industrial design and copyright includes the protection of designs and non-physical goods, protection of designs for "materials" and copyright royalty schemes.
Moreover, the MoU also contains cooperation in increasing awareness and law enforcement which contains specific campaign strategies, development and cooperation.
By: IP Team, Biro Oktroi Roosseno Indonesia